miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008


Hola a todos hoy os escribo para informaros a todos en especial a la gente de Coruña y alrededores que tanto viernes como sabados se celebraran torneos de Yu-Gi-Oh! en Aquilonia

C/ Francisco Añon nº 13

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Informacion de Luz de la Destruccion

Hola a todos tras un buen tiempo sin actualizar, me dispongo a informaros de las nuevas promos y algunas de las secretas de la nueva edicion Luz de la Destruccion.

Luz de la destruccion
Promo Sneak Preview

Guardian of Order
Si controlas 2 monstruos de tipo luz lo invocas de modo especial desde la mano. Solo puedes tener un Guardian of the Order en campo.

Reimpresiones Japonesas (supongo que seran secretas)

Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
Rock/Effect Level 4 ATK/1200 DEF/1300
When this card is face-up on the field, monsters cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Reversed, destroy all monsters on the field that were Special Summoned.

Divine Knight Ishzark
Warrior/Effect Level 6 ATK/2300 DEF/1800
When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle, the monster is removed from the game

Fog King
Water/Spellcaster//Effect Level 7 ATK/0 DEF/0
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can choose to sacrifice 1 monster or not to summon it. This card's attack strength is equal to the total original attack of the monsters sacrificed originally at the time of summon. A sacrifice cannot be made when this card is face-up on the field in attack position.

Secretas de la coleccion


Judgement Dragon

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

martes, 1 de abril de 2008


Hola de Nuevo hoy tambien os traemos el tan ansiado SPOILER de la GOLD SERIES.

Gold Cards

Don Zaloog
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D Warrior Lady
Dark Magician of Chaos
Cyber Dragon (no se que ilustracion)
Grandmaster of the Six Samurais
Prometheus, King of the shadows
Blue eEyes Ultimate Dragon
Chimerathec Over Dragon
gold wu-lord of the dark world
Swods of reaveling light
Heavy Stom
Reinforcements of the Army
Brein Control
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute

Resto (no se en que rareza , supongo que en comun)

7 colored fish
sonic bird
summoner of illusions
fire princess
needle worm
8-clawss scorpion
swarm of scarabs
swarm of locuts
des lacodda
old vindictive magicain
stelth bird
Regenerating mommy
solar flare dragon
rare metal dragon
nighmate peguin
silva, guad lord of the drak world
doom dozer
offerin of doomed
non spellin area
myst body
needle ceiling
royal command
ryvairi of darl worls
skill drain
spell shield type 8

Spoiler: Structure Deck Dark Emperor

Caius the Shadow Monarch
Dark/Fiend - Efect/6/2400/1000
When this card is tributed summoned, remove 1 card on the field. If it was a Dark Monster, inflict 1000 damege to your opponents.
Ultra Rare

Dimensional Alchemist
Light/Fairy - Efect/4/1300/1200
Once per turn, you can remove from the field the top card of your Deck. This card gains 500 ATK until the End Phase. When This card is destroyed and sent from your side of field to the Graveyard, you can select 1 of your remove card monster and return it from your hand.

Samsara Kaiser
Earth/Warrior - Efect/2/200/100
Efecto aun no confirmado para el TCG
When this card is tributed for a successful Tribute Summon, return this card from your hand.

Golden Homunculos

Primeval Sun - Helios

D.D. Warrior

Kycoo The Gosh Destroyer

Bazoo Soul Eater x2

Exiled Force

D.D. Warrior Lady

D.D. Scout Plane

Gren Manju da Eiza

D.D. Survivor x2

D.D.M. Different Dimension Master

Banisher of the Radiance x2

D.D Assailant

D.D.R. Different Dimension Reincarnation
Equip - Spell Card
Discard 1 Card. Select 1 of your monster removed from the play. Special Summond it in atack position, and equip it with this card. When this card is retired from the play, detroy the equpped monster.

Mystical Speace Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossaut

Soul Realese

Reinforcement of the army

Dark Core

Big Bang Shoot

Enemy Controller

Dimmensional Fissure

By the order of the Emperor
Continius Trap Card
You Can choose to negate the activation of an effect Monster´s Effect that activate when a monster is normal Summon. If you do this Effec Monster´s controller draw 1 card.

Return From the Diffrent Dimension

Torrential Tribute

Bottomless Trap Hole

Sakuretsu Armor

Karma kut

D.D Dinamite


Como podeis observar difiere mucho del mazo japones, lo cual es una jodienda para los jugadores nuevos, pero tambien hay que reconocer que el mazo no esta nada mal con cartas como Asaltante, Exiled, D.D warrior lady, Bottomless